2015년 11월 1일 일요일

New Ontario Human Rights commissioner Renu Mandhane vows aggressive approach

If there is one thing to know about Renu Mandhane, it is that, a few years ago, she was the victim of a hit-and-run accident, in which her vehicle was struck and the offending motorist’s licence plate fell off in the process.
Mandhane assumed police would trace the plate back to the driver and immediately worried why someone would flee. Maybe the driver had no immigration status and might face deportation if found out, she told Rishi Malkani, her husband.
His reaction, according to Mandhane, went something like this: “Are you kidding me? Are you on his side? He hit your car and our child was in the car and he took off?”
The story underscores the empathy and compassion friends, colleagues and family say 38-year-old Mandhane — academic, lawyer, High Park-Junction resident, mother of two young boys, front line international human rights advocate — brings to her new job as the province’s top domestic rights watchdog, chief commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
“It was that moment where I realized, wow, I’m hard-wired to really think about the underdog and the perspective of people who are less privileged than I am.”
Her brother, Piush Mandhane, an Edmonton pediatrician and medical researcher, says Renu “always had a sense of ethics and what is right and wrong. And she’s always been willing to stand up for what she believes in.


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