2015년 7월 7일 화요일

Time is running out for North Korea

North Korea - The Awful Truth Part 2

Shopping at supermarkets are strictly reserved for the wealthy elite. However, the selection is still barren. Is that Kim Jong Il to the right?

North Korea hates to admit that even they have a homeless problem. Photos of which can get you arrested.

Photographing statues of our glorious leader can get you sent to the gulag.

NK's military is not that well organized (despite their claims of being all powerful). Here we see that even the soldiers are fatigued and are subject to menial labor.

Citizens are required to attend various monuments during the Kimjongilia festival under penalty of death.

another dilapidated street vendor in the middle of ******* no where. Vendors only sell what the NK government orders them to: candy and cigarettes.

Officials attempt to maintain building exteriors, but due to lack of funding and poor management such attempts are occasionally abandoned.

People regularly pick grass for food.

NK's government has banned photos of anything that doesn't work.

Power outages are very common. When they happen, as seen in this art gallery, officials blame the American embargo.

All credit goes to photojournalist Eric Lafforgue. He got banned from the rogue state immediately after the images were published.